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Writer's pictureRosangela Atte


October 3, 2024 Rosh Hashana 5875

I dreamt that I was walking along an ancient path; on my right there was what resembled a graveyard, full of fallen, gigantic, white marble statues. The ones that were still standing along the path, would crumble and fall as I walked by them.

This path felt familiar, in the sense that I knew it was a path that many generations before me, in my bloodline had walked and succumbed to the giants in the land.

As I continued to walk and wonder about what I was experiencing and why, I heard The Spirit of The Lord say: ”You are the bloodline breaker!”

“Because of your faithfulness and consecration, you are walking into what your ancestors were not able to. You are breaking the dysfunctional cycles and generational curses in your bloodline!

Those giants that have dominated the land that I had given you, those strong men that took what belonged to you have been defeated because you stood firm on My promises.

Your obedience has caused you to possess the Promised Land, the land I promised to your ancestors.

The land flowing with milk and honey, the land of fulfilled promises and dreams.

This is the year of My Grace, a celebration of My destruction over your enemies. To comfort all who mourn, to give them roses instead of ashes. You will be called Oaks of Righteousness, planted by Me to display My glory!

I will cause you to rebuild upon the old ruins, to raise a new city out of the wreckage. You will start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new!

Because you got a double dose of trouble, your inheritance in the land with be doubled! (Isaiah 61 MSG)

Your presence is enough to dispel the darkness, because you are My Temple and therefore You carry My power and authority!

You are the light in the darkness, the salt of the earth. My Holy Remanent, My Consecrated Priesthood, a People Called by My name.

The Apple of My Eye, My Peculiar Ones, My Chosen Generation.

You have chosen not to focus on the giants, but to stand firm on My promises.

You have come out of the wilderness ready for battle. You have used every weapon at your disposal to defeat and conquer. Now the land of plenty is yours and you are ready to rule and reign in it.”

Beloved He Is sweeping through families, homes, hearts, minds, businesses, ministries, bodies and finances!

He Is coming as a Refiner’s Fire as a refreshing wind! He Is making every crooked place straight. He Is making everything right. He Is bringing us restoration, rest, and restitution!

The time of His divine judgement has come! He Is ridding us of every limit and restraint, and what afflicted us in the past will only be a distant memory!

Just as Esther and Joseph suddenly realized that what they went through, and where they found themselves, was for a very specific reason and time, so will we understand the reasons of our trials.

Everything will be worth it! Our dependence, reliance and submission to Him and His will, have brought us to a Kairos moment and He Is saying NOW is the time for My Divine Justice!

More than we could think, ask or imagine is about to manifest.

Psalm 75:2 AMP

2“When I select an appointed time,

I will judge with equity,” [says the LORD].

Psalm 75:2-4 MSG

“I’m calling this meeting to order,

I’m ready to set things right.

When the earth goes topsy-turvy

And nobody knows which end is up,

I nail it all down,

I put everything in place again.

I say to the smart alecks, ‘That’s enough,’

to the bullies, ‘Not so fast.’”

He Is incessantly speaking into my spirit: “I Am bringing swift justice, restoration, multiplied blessings, and healing. I will leave you and those around you in awe! Get read, get ready!”

What plagued our bloodline will be debelled, never to be seen again!

He is levelling every mountain, every giant, and obstacle in our way and Is bringing swift retribution to every situation.

All I have been able to reply to Him is: “I hear You loud and clear Lord. I hear You loud and clear.”

He Will not allow me to speak any” ifs” or “buts”.

The manifestation is imminent!

I feel as if I am about to give birth and all I can do is push! I know the baby is coming and it will soon be in my arms.

I feel such excitement in my spirit as the new Hebrew year has begun! It feels like spring in the spirit!

Everything is being made new, the old will pass away and we will remember the past no more, for He Is breathing a fresh wind over us!

I see us emerging out of our old skin and stepping into the new! I see us embracing our new mantles with boldness and power! I see us occupying new territory for The Kingdom of God!

I see cities being built, I see new business and ministries springing up! I see new covenant relationships, marriages and partnerships! I see wombs blooming with life, health being restored, finances flowing with ease!

I hear “Spring has sprung!” Every area of our lives is going to be brimming with life!

I see green pastures where dry, barren land once was. I see flowers blooming; things are coming to life all around us!

We are stepping into the future, what seemed out of reach, is at our fingertips. What was dead is being resurrected.

He is breathing on the dry bones, resurrecting those dead, dry places. Every dream, and prophetic word is coming to life again as the Spirit of God breaths new life upon them.

Every unresolved situation is being dealt with, His divine justice is coming upon the Earth, and no one will be able to avoid it. Everyone will reap what they sowed, whether good or bad.

Do not think for one second that The One who sees everything Has forgotten about you, because He neither sleeps nor slumbers!

This new Hebrew year will usher God’s divine justice and no one can stop it!

Isaiah 43:18-19 AMP

“Do not remember the former things,

Or ponder the things of the past.

“Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing,

Now it will spring forth;

Will you not be aware of it?

I will even put a road in the wilderness,

Rivers in the desert.

Ephesians 3:20 AMP

20 Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.

Ezekiel 37:3-6 AMP

3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.” 4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.’ 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones, ‘Behold, I will make [a]breath enter you so that you may come to life. 6 I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin, and I will put breath in you so that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the LORD.’”

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